Better Homemade Pizza

Gordon Eberwein
2 min readSep 10, 2020


Everyone has a favorite pizza shop in their town or city. You may have even tried to replicate the delicious pizza at home. However, pizza is a difficult dish to make at home because it never seems to quite reach the quality of restaurant pizza, no matter what tricks you use. Here are some tips to help you make a better homemade pizza.

1. Invest in Ingredients

If you are in the market to make the best homemade pizza you have ever had, be sure that you do not skimp on ingredients. If you are trying to stick to a budget, watch for sales on brand name items like cheese.

2. Invest in the Crust

The crust is a lot of people’s favorite part of the pizza, and for good reason! The crust is also the hardest part of the pizza to make. The ingredients are not that tricky, but cooking the pizza crust can be a challenge. However, the secret to a fluffy pizza crust that still has a bit of a crunch to it is the temperature of the dough. Did you know that the dough should be 75 degrees Fahrenheit before you toss it in the oven? This is the single element that keeps a lot of pizzas from reaching their potential!

A few other secrets to help make the perfect crust include using cold water when making the dough. The cold water helps with the fermentation process by prolonging it, which leads to better flavor.

King Arthur is a great type of flour to pick up for a tasty crust. This flour is high in protein which helps to make the crispy edges you dream about on a pizza a reality.

Lastly, instead of reaching for a baking stone to cook the pizza on, reach for a baking steel. This helps the pizza reach a higher temperature while baking.

3. Make your Own Sauce

Pizza sauce is nothing to be afraid of! Using fresh tomatoes and an array of seasonings will set your sauce up for success. Make sure you taste the sauce before slapping it on the pizza to ensure that it is sweet enough for your liking!

4. Don’t Forget Toppings

It is no secret that pizzas taste better with lots of toppings! Load up on your favorite toppings to up the flavor of your homemade pizza!



Gordon Eberwein

Gordon Eberwein is a distinguished entrepreneur, executive leader, and innovator. Outside of work, he is passionate about travel and food.